Морские усилители звука
Hertz HMD8 DSP
Marine 8 channels Amplifier / Processor

Hertz HMD8 DSP, основанный на технологии Hertz Marine DSP, дарит новые ощущения удовольствия от прослушивания во время навигации. Удобный для пользователя интерфейс программного обеспечения DSP для ПК упрощает процесс настройки, используя каждый динамик для производительности установленной акустической системы. Удивительная мощность 8 * 85 Вт или 4 * 260 Вт (среднеквадратичное значение при 4 Ом) дает HMD 8DSP возможность уверенно управлять всей акустической системой, генерируя тонны кристально чистого звукового давления в 3 различных зонах судна. Философия дизайна «Power for the Waves» включает в себя прочный корпус из экструдированного алюминия с антикоррозийной печатной платой, обеспечивающей долгие годы удовольствия от прослушивания в открытой воде. Подробнее
Hertz HCP 5MD
Marine 5 channels Amplifier

HCP 5MD marine amplifier feature a compact design ready to face the open water environment, providing tons of clean power. The heat sink has been crafted from extruded aluminium, a material unmatched for lightness, robustness and heat dissipation. To keep size to a minimum, the power transistors are placed between the PCB and the top side of the heat sink where heat is gathered. Built up heat is then directed to the special dissipation “wings” along the side of the amplifier.
Both Pre-In and Speaker-In inputs feature a special balanced circuitry, ensuring high rejection against electro-magnetic interferences for noise-free results. The HCP M amplifiers crossover section ensure extreme flexibility: fully adjustable Lo-pass, Hi-pass filters with 12 dB/Oct. and 24 dB/Oct. slopes according to the amplifier model; Bass Boost is also available to enhance low frequencies.
More specifically HCP 5MD is suitable for a five channels system with subwoofer, a tree channel front + sub system using the front and rear built-in filters that also include a bass boost circuit and a subsonic filter. Подробнее
Hertz HCP 4M
Marine 4 channels Amplifier

HCP 4M four channels marine amplifier feature a compact design ready to face the open water environment, providing tons of clean power. The HCP M heat sink has been crafted from extruded aluminium, a material unmatched for lightness, robustness and heat dissipation. To keep size to a minimum, the power transistors are placed between the PCB and the top side of the heat sink where heat is gathered. Built up heat is then directed to the special dissipation “wings” along the side of the amplifier. Both Pre-In and Speaker-In inputs feature a special balanced circuitry, ensuring high rejection against electro-magnetic interferences for noise-free results. The HCP M amplifiers crossover section ensure extreme flexibility: fully adjustable Lo-pass, Hi-pass filters with 12 dB/Oct. and 24 dB/Oct. slopes according to the amplifier model; Bass Boost is also available to enhance low frequencies. The HCP 4 M fourchannel model features also an extended frequency range filter, which can be used when designing active 2-way speaker systems. Подробнее
Hertz HCP 2MX
Marine Stereo Amplifier

HCP 2 MX marine amplifier feature a compact design ready to face the open water environment, providing tons of clean power. The HCP M heat sink has been crafted from extruded aluminium, a material unmatched for lightness, robustness and heat dissipation. To keep size to a minimum, the power transistors are placed between the PCB and the top side of the heat sink where heat is gathered. Built up heat is then directed to the special dissipation “wings” along the side of the amplifier. Both Pre-In and Speaker-In inputs feature a special balanced circuitry, ensuring high rejection against electro-magnetic interferences for noise-free results. The HCP M amplifiers crossover section ensure extreme flexibility: fully adjustable Lo-pass, Hi-pass filters with 12 dB/Oct. and 24 dB/Oct. slopes according to the amplifier model; Bass Boost is also available to enhance low frequencies. More specifically HCP 2 MX features Hi-Pass pre-amplified outputs, providing the ability to create a Band-Pass on the front woofer. Подробнее
Hertz HMD1
Mono Marine Amplifier

Моноусилитель Hertz HMD1 — идеальное решение для добавления одного или нескольких морских сабвуферов на судно, являющееся идеальным дополнением мощности HMD8 DSP. При сопротивлении 1 Ом он стабилен и может обеспечивать мощность до 1000 Вт при чрезвычайно компактных размерах. Подробнее
Hertz HMP 4D
Marine & Powersports 4 channels Amplifier

Thanks to the ultra-compact cast-aluminium chassis (IP64 rated), the HMP 4D amplifier is nature-proof, being the ideal choice for UTV/ATV/motorcycle installations. It features an incredible power/size ratio and an easy setup thanks to the integrated crossover filter. The Front End section features a complete and bypassable crossover system, providing full system design flexibility with or without external processors, offering the user endless connection possibilities with any source. Inputs feature a special balanced circuitry, ensuring high rejection against electro-magnetic interferences, for noise-free results. Подробнее
Hertz HMP 1D
Marine & Powersports Mono Amplifier

Thanks to the ultra-compact cast-aluminium chassis (IP64 rated), the HMP 1D amplifiers is nature-proof, being the ideal choice for UTV/ATV/motorcycle installations. It features an incredible power/size ratio and an easy setup thanks to the integrated crossover filter. The Front End section features a complete and bypassable crossover system, providing full system design flexibility with or without external processors, offering the user endless connection possibilities with any source. Inputs feature a special balanced circuitry, ensuring high rejection against electro-magnetic interferences, for noise-free results. The level of HMP 1 D amplifiers can be remote controlled with the included HRC BM (Hertz Remote Control Bass Management). Connected to the Remote Control plug, this provides extremely precise volume level from the comfort of your seat. Подробнее