fbpx YAMAHA F25GEL - Четырёхтактный подвесной лодочный мотор GRAND MARINE KIEV
Цена: 195 650,00 грн

Подвесной лодочный мотор YAMAHA F25GEL

Технологический венец Yamaha среди «подвесников» малой мощности, лодочный мотор F25G весит как двухтактные образцы и самый легкий среди конкурентов. Благодаря этому новый мотор удобно не только монтировать на транец, но и переносить и хранить на полке. Лучший образец японской конструкторской школы, этот компактный мотор оснащен на уровне моделей большей мощности и цены. F25G оснащен электронным впрыском топлива, что не только позволяет ему достичь выдающихся характеристик в модельном ряду, но и обеспечивает полную совместимость со всем спектром цифровых приборов и дает возможность подсоединения к компьютеру с помощью диагностического разъема. А значит у владельца F25G есть возможность получать информацию обо всех параметрах мотора и их отклонениях в течении всего срока службы. Это позволяет оптимизировать текущее техническое обслуживание.
Yamaha F25GEL мотор с дистанционным управлением поставляется с электростартером.

Мощность максимальная 18.4 кВт (25 л.с.) @5500 об/мин
Максимальный рабочий диапазон 5000~6000 об/мин
Холостой ход 900 ± 50 об/мин
Потребление топлива 9.2 л/ч @6000 об/мин
Тип двигателя Бензиновый, 4-тактный, рядный, 2 цилиндровый, SOHC
Рабочий объем 432 см³
Диаметр цилиндра и ход поршня 65.0 мм × 65.1 мм
Cтепень сжатия 9.3 :1
Стартовое обогащение Впрыск топлива / Prime start
Топливная система Электронный впрыск топлива (EFI)
Топливный бак Портативный, 25 л
Система смазки Мокрый картер
Объем моторного масла 1.1 л (с заменой фильтра) / 1.0 л (без замены фильтра)
Зажигание Емкостная CDI микрокомпьютерная
Ignition timing ATDC 3 – BTDC 23 deg.
Свеча зажигания DPR6EB-9
Пуск двигателя Электрический стартер
Генератор 16 Amp с выпрямителем-регулятором напряжения заряда
Система охлаждения Водяная с термостатом
Система выхлопа Через втулку гребного винта
Подвеска / Редуктор
Рулевое управление Дистанционное
Угол поворота подвесного мотора 45° от центра, влево и право
Система регулировки наклона (дифферент) и подъема Ручная
Количество позиций / режим мелководья 4 / 2
Угол наклона подвесного мотора от -3° до +16°
Угол подъёма подвесного мотора 62°- 63°
Передачи F-N-R
Передаточное отношение 2.08 (27/13)
Объем трансмиссионного масла 0.370 л
Вращение винта По часовой стрелке
Длина дейдвуда L: 551 мм (21.7″)
Высота транца лодки L: 508 мм
Полная масса 58,0 кг
Личное использование: 3 года **
Коммерческое использование: 6 месяцев
*   Комплектация может быть изменена производителем без предварительного уведомления.
** 3 года гарантии только при обслуживании (предпродажная подготовка; установка ПЛМ на лодку, если есть дистанционное управление; ТО; консервация) в сервисном центре компании ООО «Германтон» или 2 года гарантии при обслуживании в сервисных центрах YAMAHA.


6Y8 Digital Network Gauges are simple, streamlined and sophisticated. The large LCD displays provide easy-to-read information at a glance, allowing you to monitor everything from engine function and fuel management to trim levels, battery voltage, and more.

• Tacho (rpm)
• Trim
• Hour: total/trip
• Cooling water: temperature/pressure
• Oil: quantity/pressure
• Battery voltage
• Warning
• Immobilizer indication

Combination speedometer & fuel management meter
• Speed
• Fuel level (2 tanks)
• Consumed fuel
• Fuel economy
• Fuel consumption
• Remaining fuel


Full-color 4.3” TFT display with adjustable illumination, low reflection filter and anti-dazzle Night Mode. Dual protocol (6Y8 and 6Y9) capability with easy-operation buttons to select readouts for multiple functions, including warnings, Y-COP activation and boat system control information. Application: All fuel injection outboard models (F20G and up). Supports single and twin engine applications. (Triple not supported).


An all-new, thin Yamaha CL5 touchscreen is small in size but big on information and ability. Its sophisticated, modern design features intuitive operation and matches the latest boat console trends, while its compact size leaves more room on the console for other equipment.


Designed with broad compatibility in mind, this remote control can be fitted to almost every boat type and is compatible with almost every engine in the Yamaha Outboard range. The 703 delivers all of the basic control functions and open throttle can also be configured in either the push or pull direction. It can be used both at right side or left side configuration.


A right-side flush mounted mechanical remote control with integrated lanyard switch. Push action to open throttle. Single key switch panel (without lanyard switch) and 10-pin wire harness supplied separately. It can be used both at right side or left side configuration.


Top mount single engine control.
Variation available for the control lever rightside or left side.


• Separates over 99% of water, the main enemy of your outboard motor.
• Full plastic body ensures that the bowl will not become stuck due to electric corrosion or rust, making filter replacements easy.
• Large capacity type for holding up to 215 cc of water. Regular type has a capacity of 60 cc.
• Highly visible float and see-through bowl allow you to check the water level with just a glance.
• Two large capacity types are available: a 10 μm filter type (4-stroke and 2-stroke HPDI/FI models) or a 25 μm filter type (2-stroke carburetor models). Regular type is available only with a 10 μm filter.


Y–COP (Yamaha Customer Outboard Protection) is a simple, push-button immobilizer for your engine, so that just like your car, it only starts when you want it to.


Offering Yamaha design, quality and performance in a low-cost, lightweight propeller. this is a good all-around choice for your Yamaha outboard. Available in a wide variety of sizes and pitches for Yamaha outboards between 20 and 30 horse power.

(Weedless propeller)

Special blade design minimized to build-up weeds around the hub.
Black painted stainless steel.
Right hand rotation only.


Premium quality analog instruments made to work in perfect harmony with your Yamaha outboard.

• Speedometer assy
• Tachometer assy
• Water pressure meter assy
• Water temp. assy
• Hour meter assy
• Fuel meter assy
• Trim meter assy
• Voltmeter assy


Digital speedometer assy:
• Speed
• Fuel quantity (with fuel warning)
• Trip (distance)
• Clock
• Low battery voltage warning

Digital tachometer assy:
• Tacho (rpm)
• Trim position
• Oil pressure
• Overheat warning
• Hour: total/trip
• Water detector (Depend on model)
• Check engine warning (Depend on model)

Digital fuel meter kit Single:
• Twin engine speedsynchronizer
• Fuel flow
• Fuel consumption
• Fuel economy
• Water separator warning

432cc Two-Cylinder

The four-valve, two-cylinder, Single Overhead Camshaft delivers sufficient torque from low to mid speed ranges for a quick response and smooth running.

Battery-Less Fuel Injection

The F20G / F25G is the first battery-less fuel injection system in Yamaha’s four-stroke range, making engine set-up more simple and convenient for pull-start models. The system takes into account engine requirements to achieve maximum engine performance including ‘first-time, every-time’ hot and cold starting.

Digital Gauges Compatible

The F20G / F25G is fully compatible with Yamaha’s Digital Network Gauges (Command Link), giving you the information needed to maximise engine performance and efficiency. This engine is also NMEA2000 compatible allowing the F20G / F25G to share information with third party multi-function displays, GPS and fish finders.

Fresh Water Flushing System

Simply connect a hose to the easy access connector to flush salt and dirt from the outboard without having to run the engine. Flushing the engine after each usage reduces corrosion and extends the engines life.

High-Output Alternator

A 16 Amp high-output alternator ensures that power is always available to start the engine, even after long periods of idling or running at low revs. This not only provides extra starting power, but delivers sufficient power to run the wide array of on-board electronic devices used in modern boating. (Battery charging kit optional)

Optional Multi-Function Tiller

With the latest technologies, ergonomic design and features, Yamaha’s Multi-Function Tiller Handle delivers effortless control, maneuverability and comfort. Trim, shift, throttle, stop switch, variable trolling and integrated overheating and low oil pressure warning alerts are also built into the handle.

Power Trim and Tilt

Yamaha’s push-button trim control makes engine trim and tilt adjustments quick, smooth and easy, across a wide range. The negative trim settings allow for improved acceleration and the ability to bring the boat onto its plane more quickly. Optional on certain models.

Variable Trolling Control

Yamaha’s variable trolling control allows you to precisely adjust the engine’s idling speed from 750 to 1050 RPM, in 50 RPM increments. The ability to finely tune the trolling speed allows fisherman to perfect their lure presentation when chasing different species of fish.

Wide Span Mounting System

The large rubber mounts and the wide length between the mounts help to reduce engine vibration.

Mechanical Steering Control

The F20G / F25G has the choice between tiller or forwards mechanical control options.

Anti-Corrosion Paint System

Yamaha engines are known for their durability and high re-sale value. Part of this lies in the anti-corrosion protection. A unique YDC-30 aluminium alloy and 5-stage exterior paint coating process protects the engine’s exterior parts, while high-quality, marine-grade stainless steel componentry is used through-out.

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